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           Hi, my name is Tristan Kroll. I was born and raised in Minnesota, and have lived here my whole life. My home is just twenty minutes from Mankato, outside the town of Janesville, where I completed all of my schooling. I attended Janesville-Waldorf-Pemberton high school, and recently graduated in the spring of 2015. Living in the same place for my whole life had a big influence on my decision to stay in the area and attend Bethany Lutheran College. Attending this college has opened up a lot of new opportunities for me already in just my second semester, as I pursue a career in elementary education.


            Throughout my life I have always had a passion for playing sports, and competing in basically anything that I can. From an early age my parents always encouraged me to go out for any sport that I wanted, and made sure that I would give my best effort and never allowed me to quit. I played football, baseball, and basketball all throughout my schooling up until I graduated high school. Participating in three sports while going to school demanded a lot of hard work, as my schooling was still the top priority and I needed to get good grades in order to play. This just gave me motivation to keep up on my schoolwork and give extra effort to earn these grades. I believe that this role of athletics in my life created the foundation for my hard work and motivated work ethic in my education, as well as the strong influence from my parents to give my best in everything I do. These are the main factors which made me want to pursue a career in elementary education, as it demands that I give my best effort to properly educate children and instill this motivated work ethic in them.


            I am blessed to have the opportunity to work in the education field, and impact my students lives. I can not wait to see what the future holds for my teaching career and I'm ready to begin the journey. Thank you for the opportunity to educate, and I look forward to working with your young children.

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